
A love of literature brings people together. It has certainly brought a couple of hundred people together who have chosen to study the English variety at my university. If you study the same subject as someone, you can talk to them relatively easily (relatively). A slight issue occurs when some people (i.e. me and two others) decide to reincarnate the defunct English Society in a beautiful new form. People can talk about literature together and people can drink together; but whether a mutual love of literature will really bring them together to drink is a little doubtful. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I think English students like to get drunk and go nuts in their own way and this doesn’t always involve doing it with each other, unless they just like each other a lot and are genuinely friends anyway. My thought is that, at my university at least, there does not appear to be quite enough solidarity and camaraderie between the students of the English department. Sure everyone is willing to click a button and join the Facebook group, but asking them to show actual physical support seems to be something a little different. My theory so far has been that we are still only in the first year of the course, and so people just generally aren’t making that much effort. The academic side of things is zero-weighted in the first year, so maybe some people think other things are too. I don’t know. I just hope that next year those who really are dedicated will rise from the ashes of 0809 and we will have a much more academically and socially productive 0910.

In other news Midnight’s Children is tiring me out a little. We’ve moved through the generations to the narrator’s own parents, and lots of terribly interesting and dramatic political stuff is going on in the run-up to the narrator’s birth. It is definitely getting exciting, but I am becoming more and more aware of the sheer length of the book. Still “not overly daunted” but just a little tired now. Don’t panic. I shall manage to re-group and continue to plough through.

Batgirl xx

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